July 6, 2022
Troubleshooting CC Capture
Cannot connect the instrument or any other device.
- X-Rite I1 Family Instruments ( i1Pro, I1iO, iSis)
- X-Rite eXact
- X-Rite IC Plate
- Techkon SpectoDense
- Techkon SpectroPlate
- Myiro-1
- CC-2D barcode reader
- DYMO LabelWriter
- 3-rd party barcode reader
- Inveo RFID Card Reader
- USB-to-Serial Converter
PC users have to check with Windows Device Manager if the system driver is installed properly. If not manually add the missing component. For most devices (but for all! ) Mac users can list them using System Report.
Other potential known problems with launching CC Capture
- Windows 10 issue: "This app can't run on your pc"
Genaral Instrument maintenance.
Some rules are critical for most instruments.
- Keep them cleaned. Especially take care of calibration plaque ( white reference ceramic tile used for calibration purposes).
- Track your Instrument with T-42 Instrument Inspector Target - it is critical!
- Take care of USB cables - it is sometimes critical for instrument stability (especially for X-Rite i1).
- Some instruments require more power - especially if it doesn't have an internal battery - be sure to plug into a USB socket that can deliver the required current.
Power supply parameters at the moment of i1Pro2 calibration.
For example, I1Pro2 on standby uses about 20 mA while during calibration peak value is 460 mA.
if your cable is not good enough or the current in your USB socket is not 5V/ 500mA CC Capture will report Error 53: USB Power Problem. - If you have more USB devices it is a good idea to use a Powered USB HUB (with an external power supply).
- Use Instrument manufacturer software to diagnose it and verify it has the most recent version of the firmware. Firmware updates are important - it is hard to find error-free software on the market...
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