

June 21, 2024

NIP Inspector

Nip Width Indicator (NWI)

  • Purpose: Measures the Ink Roller Stripe width digitally.
  • Functionality: Allows operators to adjust rollers to the correct stripe value on the fly, ensuring consistent ink application.
  • Usage: Regular checks (at least weekly) to maintain correct roller settings.
  • Accountability: ChromaChecker provides notifications and alerts for timely checks and detects any deviations.

Nip Pressure Indicator

  • Purpose: Measures plate-to-blanket and impression cylinder-to-blanket pressures.
  • Functionality: Ensures cylinder pressures are low yet sufficient for good ink transfer and consistency across units.
  • Benefits: Reduces electricity usage, wear and tear on the press, and improves image consistency and quality.
  • Tracking: Records and monitors pressures over time, and sends reminders for maintenance.

Measurement and Documentation

  • Nip Width Measurement: Operators measure and record values digitally using an iPad app, ensuring accuracy and consistency.
  • Cylinder Pressure Measurement: Critical for establishing baseline conditions and maintaining consistent dot gain (TVI).
  • Inter and Intra Unit Comparisons: Ensures uniform pressures across and within units, reducing energy consumption and wear.

Process Control and Baseline Establishment

  • Creating Baselines: Establish baseline values for Nip pressures, ink stripe widths, and other variables before generating plate curves or ICC profiles.
  • Regular Monitoring: Document conditions regularly to maintain consistency and react promptly to any changes.
  • Accountability Inspector: Automates reminders and alerts for regular checks, ensuring consistent press maintenance.

Comprehensive Monitoring

  • Water Condition: Track and document water pH, conductivity, temperature, and humidity.
  • Plate Condition: Establish baseline values for the plate setter, and monitor regularly to ensure plates are within specifications.
  • Automatic Data Loggers: Monitor and upload temperature and humidity data automatically, ensuring environmental conditions are within acceptable limits.


  • Efficiency: Reduces energy consumption and wear on equipment.
  • Consistency: Maintains consistent print quality and reduces variations in dot gain.
  • Accountability: Ensures responsible parties complete necessary checks and maintenance.
  • Documentation: Provides a thorough record of press conditions, aiding in troubleshooting and process control.

Using the ChromaChecker NIP Inspector and its associated tools allows for a higher level of process control and efficiency in press operations, ensuring consistent quality and longevity of equipment.


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